work your abs without crunches

6 Moves to Work Your Abs Without Doing Crunches

When it comes to working out, ideally, everybody wants a six-pack, or at least tight, toned abs. But when it comes to actually working for those abs, many people DO NOT want to lay down on the floor and do endless crunches that wrench their neck and give them a sore back.

Well the good news is that you don’t have to do crunches to get great abs. In fact. Many times, you can be way more effective at developing your abdominal muscles without doing a single crunch!

I’m going to show you 6 moves you can use to work your abs so well that no only will you get results, but you won’t ever have to do crunches again.

Why These Moves Are More Effective For Your Abs: Dynamic Movement

Dynamic Movement is basically using your muscles to make larger movements, that require not only the muscles you’re using, but other muscles as well. Therefore, you get more bang for your buck when you workout. The best part about dynamic movement is that it conditions your muscles to not only work well, but to work in a variety of ways, which can later be used in your everyday life to make daily tasks easier.

So Let’s Get Down To It – Show Me The Moves!

1. Planks

Planks are great because they challenge just about every muscle in your body every time you do them. And there are so many varieties, that you can always be challenging your muscles to try something new. Even better, if one form of plank doesn’t really work for you, there are others you can try to still reap the benefits.

Regular Planks: Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders. Straighten your legs until your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Squeeze your core and your butt and look at a spot on the floor about 1-2 feet in front of your hands to keep your head and neck in alignment. Hold this position as long as you can without compromising your form and then release it back down to your knees.

Elbow Planks: This move looks just like a regular plank, except that it is done on your elbows instead of your hands. This can be especially beneficial for those who have wrist issues or weak wrists and can be used to build up your strength until you can do full planks. Some people actually find this version a little more difficult to do compared to a regular plank, so challenge yourself and see what works for you.

Side Planks: Oh side planks, what a love-hate relationship we have…I love the effect that side planks have on your body and your overall strength and endurance, but I HATE DOING THEM!!! This is mostly because I have weaker joints, so it’s not as comfortable for me, but I encourage you to do them because they are extremely effective. The concept is the same as with regular planks, however with side planks, you start on your side and place one hand under your shoulder, pushing your body up into a straight line, with your other hand in the air straight above you. This one takes a little balance, but it’s worth it because any time you’re balancing, you’re working your abs that much more!

This move can also be done on your elbow or a modified version can be done by placing your bottom knee on the ground. This is a great place to start until you build up your strength and can do the full version. As with the regular planks, hold the position as long as you can without compromising form and then release.

Inverted Planks: I love inverted planks. They are challenging, but not as hard on your wrists (in my opinion). All you do is start by sitting on your bottom with both of your feet stretched out in front of you. Place your hands behind your butt and push your hips into the air until they form a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Hold the position as long as you can and then release.

A modified version of this move would be a table, which would have the same idea, only you would complete the move with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Both of these moves work wonders for your triceps as well.

Walking Planks: This one is fairly simple as well, but it does require a lot of muscle control to maintain proper form. Start in a regular plank position and then slowly and ever so slightly, move one hand in front of the other, inching your toes up as you go. Make sure you keep your form and keep your feet together as you walk. Take about 4 steps forward and then 4 steps backward. You can complete this move as many time as you like.

2. Side Bends

I’ve talked about these before in other workouts because they are one of my absolute favorite exercises. They are so easy to do, but they are also super effective at the same time. What more could you ask for?

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Holding a weight in your right hand, engage your abdominal muscles and lean your upper body over to the right and return to standing. On your way back up, really focus on squeezing your obliques opposite of the side you’re leaning to for maximum effectiveness. Some people find it extra effective to place the opposite hand (not holding the weight) on your obliques to make you focus on squeezing these muscles. Don’t forget to repeat on the other side!

3. Side Knee Pulls (Standing Side Crunches)

This one works many of the same muscles as side bends, but in a slightly different way and will give you a more rounded workout overall. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands behind your head. Lift your right knee out to the side as high as you can as you bend to the right with your upper body, trying to touch your right elbow to your right knee. Really squeeze your obliques when your elbow and knee touch for maximum effectiveness. Then repeat the move on the other side.

You can also alter this move and try to touch your elbow to your opposite knee to work other abdominal muscles. Just remember when you do this version that you don’t tuck your head down, but instead, try to bring your knee up to your elbow. If you struggle with this, find a spot on the wall in front of you and focus on that while you complete the move.

4. Standing Tailbone Tuck

This one is very effective at working your lower abdominal muscles that almost every woman knows as the dreaded “pooch.” It can be one of the trickiest parts to tone, but if you do this move consistently, it will be tight and toned in no time!

Start in a standing position and place your hands on your hips. Bend your knees slightly and curl your lower back as if you had a tail you were trying to put between your legs. Trust me, this move may feel a little more than awkward, but once you master it, it’s extremely effective at tightening those lower abs, giving you sexy bikini lines. It’s also great for strengthening your lower back and stabilizing your entire core.

5. Wood Chops

You may have to channel your inner lumberjack for this exercise. Start in a standing position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width. Hold one weight with both your hands. Bring the weight over your left shoulder and swing it across your body down to your right hip, bending your legs as you go. Swing the weight back up over your shoulder, rotating your body as you do and repeat. Don’t forget to do the other side!

6. Walk-Outs

This move is similar to a regular plank, but a little more advanced and takes a little more flexibility, but don’t worry, beginners can do it, too. Start in a standing position. Walk your hands down your body until they touch the floor, then continue to walk your hands out in front of you until your body is in a regular plank position. Then, walk your hands back up to start. Really engage your abs as you walk out and back and you’ll definitely be feeling this one the next day!

If you don’t have the flexibility to keep your legs straight as you walk your hands down your body, feel free to slightly bend your knees, just try to keep them as straight as you can and push yourself to straighten them as your flexibility improves.


That’s all there is to it! Your 6 moves to get that six-pack in no time without ever doing a single crunch! Try them today and let me know which one is your favorite!