best natural shampoo

5 Best Natural Shampoo Recipes

I’ll admit, I didn’t have a clue how to make natural shampoo, but it’s something I’ve really been paying attention to lately since I’ve been pregnant. After all, it only takes seconds for your skin to absorb the products you put on it. For those of us who like to be budget conscious, store-bought natural shampoos can be pretty pricey. While they’re definitely worth it, why not try to make something yourself if you can do it cheaper?

My Internet search led me to a blog called The Indian Spot, where I found not only great natural shampoo recipes, but tons of other great tips and tricks as well. Check it out!

These are their recipes for all natural shampoos. I can’t wait until I’m home with the baby to try all of these great recipes!

Try them yourself and let me know which ones work best for you!