I'm Now A Beachbody Coach!

I’m Now A Beachbody Coach!

Hey guys! I am more than excited to announce that I am now a Beachbody Coach!

If you’ve read my story, you know that I have a history with Beachbody. Long story short, I had a lot of success with P90X about 10 years ago. and have since tried other Beachbody programs off and on. Fast forward to getting married and two kids later and needless to say, I’m ready to get back to my best self.

You may be wondering, “But you post healthy recipes and workouts all the time, you have to be healthy!” And yes, I think I was maintaining a relatively healthy lifestyle, but I indulged in cheat meals and didn’t really push myself in my workouts. Plus, the role of being a new mommy takes on it’s own challenges of sleep deprivation, hormones and stress. So, I finally took the plunge and dedicated to a program that wouldn’t let me slack and became a Beachbody coach to not only keep others accountable but keep myself accountable as well.

Focus T25

That brings us to my latest challenge, I started Focus T25, a Beachbody workout by Shaun T and boy has it kicked my butt! You don’t realize how out of shape you are until you try something as intense as this workout. With my commitment to this program, I have committed to cut out junk food, including my after dinner snack. I have also started drinking Shakeology, something I haven’t ever tried, and I love it! It’s delicious and super filling and most of all, gives me a ton of energy.


What have I noticed so far? Actually, a lot. Like I just said, I have a ton of energy now. I’m talking like wake up, breakfast, workout, shower and then realize I didn’t drink more than two sips of my coffee kind of energy. And when you have two babies under 2, extra energy is reason enough to keep going!

I’ve also done my measurements in the beginning and then weekly since. So far, I’ve already lost 6 inches primarily throughout my core and I lost a pound. I’m attributing the lack of weight loss to the fact that I’m building muscle right now, so I’m thinking this week’s weigh in will have more results. Even if it doesn’t I’m happy to be feeling better and feel like myself again. Besides, when I originally did P90X, I didn’t lose a lot of weight until after I had finished the program, but I dropped 2 pant sizes during the program.

My Advice To You

My advice to you is to start now. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or what shape you’re in. Take the initiative and take the first step. You know you want to feel better. You know you want more energy. You know you feel like you’re just keeping up with the million things you have to do every day. It’s time to do something for yourself. I know, I know, you don’t have time. But listen, if you commit the time to eating healthy and working out, your whole day will be better. I promise you! You will feel better and you will be happier. I can tell you from personal experience that it’s only been about 2 1/2 weeks since I’ve been back at it, but it is sooo worth it. It’s worth getting up at 5:30am to workout, it’s worth meal planning and prepping on the weekends. It’s worth it to be proud of myself and my hard work and to show my boys (including my husband) how a healthy lifestyle can change you for the better, and how you can do whatever you set your mind to. I can’t wait for my final results in 8 weeks, but even until then, I am going to fully enjoy this feeling.

Ready to Start Your Own Journey?

I will keep you updated on my journey and hopefully, I will inspire you to start your own. You can follow me on Facebook by clicking here, on Instagram by clicking here, and on Pinterest, by clicking here.

If you have questions on the difference between workouts, or need help figuring out which program might be best for you, let me know. I’ve tried a lot of them and I have a lot of tips for getting started. I’d be more than happy to help steer you in the right direction.

And if you need help or encouragement throughout your journey, I’d love to be your coach! Comment below or email me at rgraham@purelyunrefined.com and I can help you get started today! Reach out on social media and we can help keep each other accountable.