pregnancy tips

3 Pregnancy Game Changers

So many women think that once they become pregnant, there is a long list of demands they now have to follow. And in reality, that’s somewhat true. But I have found over the course of both my pregnancies, that a large part of what you do and how you live while pregnant is up to you. Most healthcare providers try to guide you and hope you listen, but at the end of the day, you have to make conscious decisions to take care of yourself and your baby. Here are the three basic, but important things you can completely control everyday to make 100% difference in your pregnancy.

  1. Hydration

    This might seem obvious, but the amount of water you drink everyday has a huge impact on not only how your body functions, but how you feel as well. It directly affects everything from your energy level, to how hungry you are, to how bloated or swollen your body is, to your joints and how you sleep! A common recommendation is to drink half your body weight in ounces every day. That may seem like a huge feat for some, but I promise that you can do it, and it will be worth it! Once you start to make yourself drink more water, you will find that your body starts to crave it and it will become easier.

    Another great way to stay hydrated is to eat hydrating foods like celery and watermelon. Plus, the added fiber is a great bonus! Or, add  coconut water to your favorite smoothie recipe and get even more health benefits!

  2. Exercise

    This is another topic I’ve written about quite a bit, and clearly, I’m an avid supporter of exercising while pregnant (as long as the doctor says it’s ok). I know so many women who seem to have a much harder time with their pregnancy than I have and the only real distinguishing factor is that I was very active and they did not exercise much, if at all. As I’ve mentioned in my other Healthy Mamas posts, exercising can directly control how much weight and inches you gain while pregnant, as well as as difficult it will be to lose after you deliver. It improves your mood, your energy level and your sleep, all of which have a major impact on how you feel. Best of all, exercise makes your labor and delivery easier and faster! If that’s not enough motivation to get moving, I don’t know what is!

  3. Sleep

    Getting enough sleep when you’re pregnant can be one of the most challenging things you do, and you’re not really doing anything! Between working and keeping up your regular schedule, especially if you have other kids to take care of, it can be hard to just find the time to get enough shut eye, not to mention finding a comfortable position to sleep in with your growing belly. This is where help from hubby or other family members and friends comes in handy. Discipline yourself to make time to rest, whether it’s just relaxing or being in a dead sleep, you will reduce your stress level, increase your energy while you’re awake and give your body tons of other benefits important for you and your baby. Remember, your body is already under a lot of stress just growing a human. Give it the chance to unwind and be calm. You’ll thank me later!

As simple as it sounds, these 3 tools are key to having a happy and healthy pregnancy and the best part of all is that they can all be easily controlled, every day. Take the time to make the difference and you’ll be glad you did!