The Ultimate Traveling Workout

I can’t believe there are only a few days until Christmas!!! My husband and I are so excited to watch our boys open gifts this year!

With all of the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season, health and fitness often become an afterthought, following cookie making and present wrapping.

Plus, there’s all the travel. Even if you manage to maintain a consistent exercise routine throughout December, your efforts go out the window once you start traveling to see family and friends.

Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can still enjoy all of the traditions of Christmas without giving up your workouts. Check out this list of exercises that you can do anywhere with very little space and no equipment, followed by my tips to get the most out of your holiday workout routine!

10 Exercises You Can Take With You


Running and walking are two of the most versatile exercises you can do because all you need is your shoes and a place to go. If your weather is nice enough, a brisk walk can be just the trick to rejuvenate yourself in between Christmas parties.

Traveling actually has a lot of benefits for walking or running because if you’re in a new place, you’re in a new terrain and you can challenge yourself by just exploring a new neighborhood. Don’t have anywhere to go? If you’re staying in a hotel, check out whether they have a fitness center and get your sweat on there.


It’s tough to ward off those Christmas cookies, but if anything is going to help you, it’s ab workouts. Crunches in particular are very effective at keeping your waist from growing and your belt from stretching this Holiday season.

And this category doesn’t have to just include crunches. This includes anything from standard sit-ups to crunches, to standing ab work if you don’t like to be on the floor. The point is to stay moving. The more you focus on your abs and keeping them tight between gatherings, the less junk you will actually eat, simply because you’re focused on it.

Not a fan of crunches? Get the same added benefits with these other crunch-less ab moves.


Push-ups are another one of the best exercises for versatility because even if you can’t do a traditional push-up, you can always modify them to knee push-ups or wall push-ups so that you can still reap the benefits. Bored with traditional push-ups? Try the tons of varieties out there, including diamond push-ups, tricep push-ups, and pike push-ups.

The best part about this exercise is that if you have the space to lay on the floor, you have the space to do a push-up. It’s also a great exercise for working everything from your shoulders to your toes and everything in between.

Tricep Dips

This exercise goes right along with push-ups anytime I am working out in a small space or with a lack of equipment. It’s great for toning your arms, and you are still working your legs and abs as you keep the entire move controlled.

I would recommend finding a solid surface, like a chair seat to do your dips. You don’t want anything that is going to topple, turn, or be too soft that you sink into it when you lean on it like a couch. That’s just going to put added stress on your wrists, and nobody needs that.


Planks are another great exercise to work your entire body, especially your core. And you can do them at any fitness level. Modify them just like you would modify push-ups, but some people find them a little easier to do than push-ups because you can also do them on your elbows, instead of your wrists, if you prefer.

Start with planking as long as you can and then gradually increase the length of time as you get stronger. If you really want to challenge yourself, get the new year started off right with my 30 Day Plank Challenge.

Mountain Climbers

Closely related to the plank, mountain climbers are also great for your shoulders and your core. However, if done correctly, they can provide a great cardio benefit as well. This is especially helpful if you don’t have anywhere you can walk or run and no treadmill at your disposal.

For example, if you’re staying at grandma’s house and there really isn’t anywhere safe to walk, do mountain climbers and you never have to leave your room.


I know, I know, how dare I say something so terrible so close to Christmas! Whether you love them or hate them, burpees are an extremely effective exercise for your entire body and can add a lot of cardio to your routine.

Make sure you really focus on form with this one, though. It is really easy to focus on speed when it comes to doing burpees and often, your form goes out the window. Instead, focus on form first and making sure you’re engaging all of your muscles throughout the move and then speed it up once you’re comfortable with it.


Lunges are great for toning your buns and thighs. I personally love the versatility of lunges. From static front, side and back lunges, to walking lunges, to my favorite, curtsy lunges, your legs will be screaming when you’re done with this move.

Try a variety of different lunges and see what you prefer. Remember to focus on form though, and as a general rule, don’t let your knees bend over your toes to reduce strain on your knees and back.

Calf Raises

This is another great leg workout that focuses on your calves, but can also help strengthen your thighs, and ankles. Try them fast or slow and really challenge your legs.

I also really like to mix it up and do calf raises with your toes in, your toes pointed straight ahead, and your toes pointed out. Keeping a variety of moves will really work to shape your calves.

Jumping Jacks

Good old jumping jacks are another great cardio option, and they’re easy to modify. Remember to keep your arms straight when you’re doing them. It’s one of the most common ways people cheat when they do jumping jacks and it makes the move way less effective. If you keep your arms straight and do your jumping jacks quickly, you can get a great arm workout at the same time.


Tips & Tricks to Working Out Away From Home

There are a few things you can keep in mind to get the most out of your workout when you’re away from home. Keep these tricks in mind and you’ll have a healthy holiday season.

  • Utilize your hotel fitness center – If you are staying at a hotel for the holidays, see if they offer a fitness room. Most hotels today have at least a treadmill or pool and some weights. Spend the time working out before your dinner and keep your metabolism burning all day.
  • Get the family involved – If it’s nice outside, take a walk after dinner with your loved ones. It’s a great time to spend talking and catching up while getting fresh air and exercise.
  • Help with the cooking/dishes – If you’ve ever cooked a holiday meal, you know how much work it can be. By the time you walk around the kitchen 50 times just preparing your dishes, you’re exhausted! Help grandma out this year and reap the benefits. Burn a few extra calories and help clean up. A 125 lb. person can burn 128 per hour standing, washing dishes. So get busy and you can make up for your extra slice of pie.
  • Play with the kids – If you have small kids in your family, get on the floor and play with them. You’ll give their parents a break and burn tons of calories. Have small children of your own? Get them involved in a game to keep them busy and get a little exercise yourself. If you have snow, you can burn tons of calories playing in the snow and building forts.
  • Offer to help with the luggage – If you stay away, carry your bags and use whatever stairs you can. You can burn 180 calories an hour loading or unloading a car.

Get your moves on this winter and burn a few extra calories and you’ll be ready for the new year in no time! What moves do you use when you’re staying away? Let me know in the comments!

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