20 Easy Snacks for Weight Loss

It’s that time of year again! The holidays are over and it’s time to think about what this next year will bring. Most people would agree that their New Year’s resolution almost always has to do with losing weight, getting in shape, or improving their health in some way and these snacks are here to help. We’re going to go over 20 snacks you can make in no time that are not only delicious, but will help you trim your waistline in no time.

1. Air-Popped Popcorn

Popcorn sometimes gets a bad rap because of the traditional store-bought brands and the amount of additives and sodium they add, but popcorn itself is actually very low-calorie and extremely easy to make. You definitely want to buy organic popcorn kernels (way cheaper anyways) and pop them yourself and add whatever seasoning you like. It will not only save you on calories, but you know exactly what is going into your snack. Follow my recipe here to see how to make it even if you don’t have an air-popper!

2. Greek Yogurt & Berries

I love yogurt! I’ve been so impressed with the variety and the quality of yogurts that have come out just in the last year. Thankfully, companies are taking a look at sugar content, which was a big culprit of the yogurts of yesterday. It’s still something you want to watch out for, but there are so many “zero” yogurts out there now, that you can easily find delicious flavors without a lot of added junk.

If you can’t do dairy, you can still enjoy yogurt with Cashewgurt. Read my review of them here. It’s delicious and cost-effective!

I also would recommend sticking to berries in your yogurt because they’re yummy and low on the glycemic index, meaning that they won’t spike your blood sugar. That, on top of all that protein is a winning combination!

3. Raw Veggies

Raw vegetables are great for you. They’re low on calories, really versatile and easy to pack for on-the-go. Try to eat a variety of colors when it comes to vegetables to get the best nutritional diversity. My personal favorites are carrot sticks, celery and cherry tomatoes.

Can’t eat them alone? It’s ok to add a tablespoon or so of sour cream, greek yogurt or natural hummus. Just try to stick to whole foods and limit your sauces/dips to really get the weight off.

Another option for those who can’t stand raw veggies is to steam them. While you still cook off some of the nutritional benefits, steaming food is much better than boiling it or baking it to maintain the nutrient content.

4. Protein Bars

Protein bars are a great option for losing weight. Obviously, lots of companies take that into consideration with the different diet plans that are on store shelves today. However, there are a few things you want to watch out for when you’re deciding what bars to buy.

The two biggest considerations, in my opinion, with protein bars is their protein content and their sugar content. Clearly, you want to strive for maximum protein and minimum sugar possible. However, typically, the higher the protein content, the higher the sugar content because if you’ve ever tried any of those high-protein bars, they tend to be quite chalky, so a lot of companies add sugar to cover that taste and make it more appealing. Find a good compromise that works for you.

I really like Quest bars. They have little to no sugar with a great amount of protein, and as an added bonus, they’re gluten free!

5. Water-Based Fruits

Two important factors in weight loss are eating filling foods that are low on calories and staying hydrated. Water-based fruits accomplish both of these. Fruits like watermelon (my personal favorite), cantaloupe, and honeydew are great for satisfying your sweet tooth without breaking your calorie bank.

Mix it up by adding mint and other herbs to your fruit. You may just find a surprising new treat that you love.

6. Hummus & Veggies

If you’ve never made your own hummus or ever heard of hummus, that’s ok. It’s super simple and actually a lot cheaper to make yourself. All you do is take cooked chickpeas (or garbanzo beans) and mash them up in a blender with olive oil and whatever spices you want. I like making garlic and red pepper hummus.

Get an extra healthy kick and dip raw veggies into your hummus. (Although if you’re my husband, you’ll only eat it with tortilla chips or pretzel thins and that’s fine, too).

7. Tea (Especially Green Tea)

I know, I know, a beverage isn’t really a snack, but it’s a great snack substitute to drink in the afternoon when you’re trying to hold out for dinner or before bed so you don’t go to sleep on an empty stomach. Green tea is especially helpful for weight loss because it speeds up your metabolism. Be careful though if you’re sensitive to caffeine because a lot of teas, especially the ones that help with weight loss, have caffeine in them and can keep you up at night.

8. Frozen Grapes

When we were kids, my mom used to rinse off grapes, put them in a Ziploc bag and sprinkle them with sugar-free jello. After all the grapes were coated, we would freeze them and eat them frozen for a yummy, “healthy” treat.

Thankfully, I’ve since learned that sugar-free is really not healthy, but I still like the frozen grapes on their own.

Another twist is frozen dark red cherries. I love sweet cherries and they make me feel like I’m having a really decadent dessert instead of fruit.

9. Almonds

Nuts of any kind are loaded with protein and great for losing weight, but almonds are even more effective at speeding up your metabolism and helping you stay satiated without adding to your waistline.

As with all nuts, be careful to watch your portion sizes. It can be very easy to get out of control with the amount of calories you’re consuming when you’re eating nuts of any kind.

10. Avocado

Avocados are one of the best ways to get healthy fats into your diet. I love putting them on eggs, toast and more, but they’re great on their own, too.

Just cut an avocado in half and sprinkle with sea salt and you can eat it right out of the peel.

Can’t fathom eating it by itself? Dice it up with tomato and red onion and drizzle it with olive oil and balsamic or red wine vinegar, salt and pepper for a delicious avocado salad.

11. Chia Seed Pudding

If you’re not one for texture, this one might not be for you. But if you like things like tapioca pudding, this is a much healthier option that will energize you and help you lose weight. Just take a few tablespoons of chia seeds and a 1/2 cup to a cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Add a 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla and a few drops of liquid stevia and mix well. Let it sit in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes and then stir it. Put it back in the fridge for another 15 minutes and it’s ready to go.

Because it does take a little longer to make, it’s a great make-ahead snack. Use pint-sized mason jars to create an on-the-go option you can make ahead of time and take with you. Add some diced strawberries and blueberries for a delicious treat for any time of the day.

12. Eggs

Eggs are packed with protein and don’t have to be limited to just breakfast anymore. They’re versatile and cheap, so they work for a lot of people. Try hard-boiled eggs for an easier traveling option or scrambled eggs with toast and avocado for a yummy snack or mini-meal.

13. Apples & Peanut Butter

This is one of my favorite snacks, especially for losing weight. Apples are full of fiber, which helps cleanse your body and keep your digestive system functioning well. Peanut butter is a great option for protein and it’s low on carbs, helping your body switch to fat-burning mode for energy.

I ate apples and peanut butter a lot when trying to lose weight in college and it was extremely successful! Read about my experience here.

14. Oranges, Clementines & Citrus

Citrus is great for weight loss because it’s full of flavor and low on calories. Oranges, in particular, are a great option that are full of vitamin C, to keep your immune system functioning well and prevent illness. I really like clementines because they’re easy to pack and you can eat more than one without feeling guilty.

15. Jerky/Mini Meatballs

I know, I know, this one sounds a little like I’m stretching it, but trust me! So many times, we think a snack has to be a granola bar or some other carb and when you go through a day where you only have time to grab something quickly, you end up eating only carbs. Mini meatballs are so easy to make ahead of time and grab a few on your way out the door. It’s pure protein and let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good meatball?

Jerky is another great alternative, but watch out for the sodium content. Better yet, make it yourself. If you have a dehydrator, it’s really simple, but even if you don’t, you can use your oven. Victor at IFOODBLOGGER has a great traditional recipe. Check out his article for more information.

16. Energy Bites

There are tons of recipes for energy bites all over the internet because they are so easy to make and so versatile. You can add whatever you want and get the perfect snack. As long as you have the same basic components for your base, including honey, peanut butter, and oats, you can substitute ingredients and really make them your own.

Dried fruit and nuts are a few of my personal favorites. Check out how to make them here.

17. Tortilla Chips & Homemade Guacamole

Now if you’re someone who loves to crunch, or if salty snacks are just your thing, try tortilla chips and guac. You definitely want to choose organic tortilla chips, and I love the ones made out of blue corn. Watch the sodium content on these chips because they can get out of hand quickly, but a lot of the organic brands actually don’t have that much salt, even if they taste like it. A lot of foods that add sodium as a preservative put it inside the food and you can’t really taste it, increasing your sodium content without you knowing. However, when they have it on the outside, like tortilla chips, it’s the first thing that hits your tongue, making it taste much saltier than its sodium content would suggest.

Now as a dipping sauce, salsa or guacamole works. Both are good for you and contain lots of healthy vegetables. Try my easy homemade guacamole recipe here. It only takes 5 minutes!

18. Smoothies

Smoothies are another great option for those who like to pre-make their meals or have something easy they can grab on the run. And smoothies are another versatile food you can make however you want and it completely changes the taste of the smoothie, which is a great method for eating healthy without getting bored with your food.

I like to use unsweetened vanilla almond milk as a base for my smoothies, and vanilla Vega One protein and greens. That way, my nutritional bases are covered. Then I focus on what fruits I want to use to get the smoothie I want. Try this Pumpkin Pie Smoothie and this Green Smoothie today!

19. Brown Rice Cakes

Brown rice cakes are a great option for snacking and they keep things light. However, they don’t have a lot of flavor on their own, so I like to add peanut butter, sliced banana and a sprinkle of cinnamon to mine to make a tasty treat for any time of day. Add a spoonful of chia seeds for an extra energy boost.

You can really make these your own as well. Try different spreads combined with other fruits and vegetables to top this easy snack.

20. Dark Chocolate

Ok, you didn’t really think I could leave this one out did you? Dark chocolate is amazing…that’s all I have to say. But, it does have more health benefits than you would think. Primarily it’s a great source of antioxidants, especially when you add yummy extras. Try these chocolate recipes and you won’t have to think up excuses to indulge! Check out the links here.



Well, there you have it. 20 snacks that will help you reach your healthy goals of the new year. Make this year one where you do keep your resolution and be proud of yourself for doing it. Need some workouts to get fit? Check out my fitness page with more workouts and videos to come.

What snacks do you like when you are trying to lose weight? Or have you tried any of these? Leave a comment and let me know!

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